Harrow Values
Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership
Influenced by our heritage, we look to the 450-year old Harrow School, UK for guiding principles, placing Harrow’s four long-held Values at the very heart of our own educational ethos. We believe the Values are central to the resounding success of our namesake UK school, having produced leaders and renowned thinkers. As such, Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship anchor our holistic educational approach that focuses on individualised student care and support. Among the ways in which the Values are instilled is through the House system, a central aspect of our holistic approach. In addition, the acquisition of leadership attributes further shape the attitudes and behaviours of students.
Our respect for tradition is balanced by innovation. At Harrow International, we are forward-looking and rise to the challenge of creating new, unique educational offerings. Our progressive teaching methodologies, distinctive curricula designed for each type of school, and other initiatives such as proprietary teacher training, have placed us at the forefront of educational excellence.
All of this is done to lift students from being very good to being outstanding all-rounded individuals possessing strength of character to excel in a rapidly changing world. We invest in them, optimising their lifelong learning interests and leadership potential, preparing them for a high-achieving future that includes serving the wider community. We trust that every graduate will provide leadership in all their endeavours.
In summary, we offer an education that benefits graduates for life as a result of a solid foundation that honours the Harrow Values and heritage and is bolstered by innovative approaches. With this forward-looking education, Harrow International graduates are well equipped to become tomorrow’s leaders.
The values that Harrow School London upholds and that have remained at its core throughout its 450 years’ old history and tradition are adopted to support a shared understanding of what it means to be a part of the wider Harrow family of schools.
At Harrow Beijing, our vision is to create within the school a vibrant, happy and proud community, which upholds the Harrow values, ethos and high academic standards. All our students and members of staff are nurtured through and by the values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship.

Courage encourages us to innovate and take risks, inspiring change for the better. It means challenging adversity and complacency, making the most of opportunities, putting fear of failure to one side and staying the course, even when it is difficult.
Honour is about doing the right thing, having the highest standards and leading by example. It involves taking responsibility and, ultimately, is what makes us worthy of the trust of others.

Humility asks us to recognise that one’s self is a work in progress and that struggling with one’s weaknesses is essential to growth. Humility increases our awareness that talent and achievement alone, however impressive, are not sufficient to succeed as a human being – and that none of us is at the centre of the universe.
Fellowship means building binding, constructive relationships that help us all to make a positive contribution. This is resonant with our belief that the strongest relationships of all are based on faith, hope and love.

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.