Connecting with World Universities

This year, Harrow Beijing’s Year 13 graduates have achieved outstanding results and are now set to begin their university studies at prestigious institutions around the world.

At Harrow Beijing, University Counseling team supports students’ university applications and guides them on their career path. They work tirelessly to help students from Year 9 to eventually enter higher education institutions. Subject teachers, the Counseling team, students and parents are important parts of the achievement of the university offer achievements. The university Counseling team is not only experienced and familiar with the application requirements of universities around the world, but also has close contacts with admissions officers of overseas universities.

In June, Harrow Beijing was greatly honored to be invited along with several other prestigious schools to participate in the annual UCAS Conference organized by the British Council (BC) and the London Summit held at King’s College London (KCL). Our counselor team traveled to the UK as a representative and brought back invaluable insights of UK university application. It is noteworthy the delegation had the opportunity to meet with the Heads of Admissions from the “Big Four” universities in London. They hosted a sincere and exclusive sharing session for the BC delegation, addressing numerous application and admission key factors. Furthermore, they shared crucial information such as the latest trends in undergraduate applications and admission statistics.

In addition, Harrow Beijing’s college counseling team attended the 2024 International ACAC  in Canada. This conference attracted representatives from prestigious universities worldwide, including Ivy League schools in the United States and Oxbridge in the United Kingdom. Our college counselors participated in a series of training sessions and a global university fair, gaining insights into the latest industry trends and application information. They also attended a high school fair, enabling university admissions officers to gain a deeper understanding of Harrow Beijing. During the conference, our counselors enhanced communication with admissions officers from various regions, shared the latest college admission and application information, and prepared for the next application cycle. Following the conference, the college counseling team traveled to the United States to participate in the Ohio Seven Schools Joint Visit and the New England and Boston Five Schools Joint Visit. Through these visits, Harrow Beijing’s college counseling team gained deeper insights into the latest application trends, engaged in extensive communication with admissions officers, and established valuable connections. Meanwhile, face-to-face interactions allowed university admissions officers to understand Harrow Beijing’s educational philosophy and unique qualities, thereby supporting our students’ future applications.

At Harrow Beijing, not only has our academic team established extensive connections with universities worldwide, but the school also provides students with opportunities to gain in-depth, firsthand knowledge of these institutions.

In Year 2023-24, students in Years 10 and 12 enjoyed a packed visit to the UK, organised by the University and Careers Department. The purpose of the trip was to visit a range of universities and take in some of the culture and scenery that the UK has to offer. A unique and bespoke experience, students were able to meet academic staff and university representatives as well as current university students, and even former Harrovians currently studying in the UK. 

The trip started in Scotland with the group taking in universities including Edinburgh, St Andrews, Durham, Birmingham, Warwick, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UAL and UCL. At each university, students were able to tour the site, learn about the courses offered, understand the entry requirements and receive input and guidance on how to produce a successful application. Students were also able to visit the student accommodation, sports facilities, lecture theatres and social spaces. 

Harrow Beijing inherits the legacy of Harrow School in the UK, continuing its tradition of educational excellence. The trip concluded with a visit to Harrow School in London, where students toured the site, took part in some classes, enjoyed traditional English tea and cakes, and watched a game of cricket. Our students enjoyed socialising with their peers at Harrow London and new connections and friendships were made. 

“What I most enjoyed during the trip was the time I got to spend with my friends in a foreign country. We did many activities we normally would not have the chance to, such as bowling and pool. In terms of universities, getting to experience both campus and city universities gave me a better understanding of what it would be like to study at each. I also got a more in depth feel of what it would be like to study at a university, and I am glad to say that I feel excited for it.”

 —— Ricky D, Y12. 

“Academically, each university provided detailed course introductions, timelines for the application process and offered guidance on personal statements, which will enable me to plan my application more effectively. Additionally, the trip offered insights into the diversity of student life in different schools, including their locations, facilities, and extracurricular activities. It provided me with a comprehensive understanding of my potential living environment in the future.” 

 —— Sunny Z, Y12

“The trip was very helpful in providing input on writing the personal statement, with specific advice on how to present super and extra-curricular activities in the personal statement. From the lectures given by the universities, I gained a lot of information on the personal statement and interview process, which will be helpful for my forthcoming university applications”. 

—— Simba H, Y12

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