Welcome Back to School

Harrow Beijing warmly welcomed its students back to school on the first day of September. With old friends reunited and newcomers joining, the campus regained its liveliness and air of academic pursuits. Pupils are entering the 2021-2022 academic year with a refreshed outlook after a long summer break, teachers are well-prepared, and classrooms are re-decorated. All is made ready for students to start a new term.

Message from the Head
Welcome back to the new school year! I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable break with your families and friends. I am sure that the students are ready to get back to school and see their teachers and friends, and I know the staff are very excited to meet their new students on 1st September!
During the Summer Holiday break the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have been meeting regularly to establish the highest quality provision, both pastoral and academic, for the opening of school.
To support our students’ emotional wellbeing at the beginning of school all students will be focused on pastoral issues. As well as some of the usual ‘Getting to Know You’ activities which we undertake to help classes become an effective team, they will also be involved in a variety of fun activities which will help them settle back into school after the long absence. In this way, we can settle students back into the learning environment and school routines, and make sure they are ready to begin the new school year feeling safe, happy and excited.
Kind regards,
Miss Davey
Head of Lower School

A very warm welcome back to the new academic year. I would first of all like to congratulate all of our Year 11-13 students on their outstanding achievements in the summer examinations. The results are fantastic and all the more remarkable given the challenges of the global pandemic and is testament to the resilience and determination of our students, and our teachers and support of our parents.
I want to thank our parents for their continued support of the Harrow School Community, and I am very much looking forward to working with you during the year.
With my very best wishes.
Mr Tom Nolan
Head of Upper School

During the summer vacation, school facilities were renovated and repaired. At the Hegezhuang Campus, the exteriors were renewed. The Upper School library was extended allowing students to benefit from a wider variety of book collections, and a larger reading zone while the Sixth Form students will enjoy studying in a bespoke area in the library. Our City Campus relocated and expanded its library. The original space is now used as a parent lounge, a reserved space for Open Mornings and parent sessions.

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.