What Ms Sarah Davey says about Lower School

The Lower School is a bustling and busy environment where happy children are engaged, enthusiastic and eager to learn. We develop and nurture our students holistically to ensure that they have the skills to be successful, not only in their academic lessons but also their lives. Our curriculum is broad and our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of subjects. Outside of the school day students can participate in our Leadership in Action programme of after school activities. It is here that they can really develop their passions and interests and broaden their horizons learning new things, whilst collaborating with their peers. We hope to instill confidence, self-worth and courage in all of our students from a young age, supporting them to challenge themselves and thrive at school.
—— Ms Sarah Davey, Head of Lower School

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.