Shoebox Appeal

The baptism of the epidemic in recent years has made us more aware of the significance of providing help to those in need. The spirit of ‘Fellowship’ is also one of the core values of Harrow education. In the spirit of this, Harrow Beijing launched a ‘Shoebox Appeal’ charity campaign during the online learning period last November, aiming to send warmth and support to children in need.

The generosity and compassion of the Harrow community surpassed anything that we could have hoped for. Over 600 shoeboxes filled with presents for disadvantaged children were kindly given by Harrow families, from students across the school – from Nursery all the way through to Sixth Form.

Last week, staff and student representatives of Harrow Beijing were honoured to take the generous contributions to the children of Anmin school, who will benefit greatly from the kindness and compassion of our community.

The other half of the donations will be sent to New Hope, an orphanage that supports disabled children. The influence of the donations given to this wonderful charity will make a huge difference. Along with this, the children at New Hope will also get the joy of receiving toys, games and beautiful gifts.  

We are very thankful to everyone who donated to this excellent cause. It is so wonderful to see the Harrow values of Fellowship, Honour and Humility being so actively present in the Harrow community.

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