Super Curriculum
Public examinations are just one dimension of academic life: unlike examination syllabuses, learning is limitless. At Harrow Beijing, we balance the rigor of carefully crafted examination preparation with the development of research skills and the ability to debate, communicate confidently, solve problems and think both critically and creatively. These skills have inherent, lifelong value and universities are always on the lookout for candidates who possess them.
Our Super-Curriculum Activities programme encapsulates all those activities that foster academic endeavour beyond the measurable outcomes of examination results. It includes wide and habitual reading, extended project work, debate, public speaking, LAMDA, research, competitions, lectures and study trips. We encourage all students to participate in these activities as part of the Leadership and Service activity programme at Harrow Beijing.
Please find below some examples of super-curriculum activities offered as part of our Leadership and Service programme at Harrow.
- Shakespeare Festival
- Harrow TV
- French Language Club
- Hong Kong Young Writers Competition
- History Film LSA
- History Essay Competition
- History Lecture Lunchtimes
- Chinese Debate Zhongheng Cup
- Chinese Calligraphy
- Critical Perspectives in Olympiads Chemistry
- Crest Award
- ASDAN Economics
- Subway Reading Challenge
- Chess Theory
- Martial Arts
- Theatrical Production
- Wharton Economics Competition

Join us to meet with academic staff, visit our outstanding facilities, interact with current pupils and individual consultation with our admissions team.