In Name of Art

This week, the Harrow Beijing Art Department enjoyed greatly the annual art exhibition this year entitled,’In the Name of Art’.  It showcased the great art works by our GCSE and A Level students.

The exhibition themed ‘In the Name of Art’, displays the talents and creative thoughts of  Harrow Beijing GCSE and A Level students in various forms of artistic creation, including painting, sculpture, installation art, video projections as well as many others.

‘Our title for the exhibition is ‘In the Name of Art’. This highlights the main facets of an art student: the ability to critically view and interpret their world and further develop it into personalized artworks. This requires a growth mindset and our students have worked hard in order to fulfil this key component of the GCSE and A Level programme. We want them to take this forward in their new endeavours and to top universities around the world. ‘

–Ms Letitia Evans-Minto

  Upper School Head of Art

‘The exhibition is very much about sharing and celebrating the incredible talent of these remarkable students, and enjoying and appreciating as art lovers the exceptionally fine work that they have produced. It is also a celebration of the incredibly strong and vibrant arts culture that exists and is continuing to grow at Harrow Beijing.’

–Mr Thomas Nolan

  Head of Upper School

‘Visual art is a key component of us as humans and our experience in the world. Art reflects the world for the time in which we live. As a result, it helps us understand our history, culture and lives as well as the experience of others through the pieces of work they have produced. This gives students an opportunity to express themselves, learn fine motor skills as well as presentation skills through the outcomes of their work.’

–Mr Aidan Bryan

  Upper School Director of Studies

Harrow Beijing helps art students to study in the world’s top art schools

Harrow Beijing encourages art-loving students to develop their professional talents and prepare them for further studies at the world’s top art schools through a globally recognized international curriculum and personalized university application guidance. This year, our graduates recieved offers from the world’s top art schools such as Rhode Island School of Design,The New School, Art Center College of Design, Pratt Institute-Main, Courtauld Institute of Art, the University of London and the University of the Arts London to study Illustration, Art and Design, Fashion and Textile, Game Design, Architecture, Product Design and many other popular majors.

Achieve the simultaneous development of artistic skills and cultural ability

Harrow Beijing students can choose not only art subjects in A Level courses, but also other liberal arts and science subjects to achieve the simultaneous development of artistic skills and cultural ability and to expand the possibility of future development. Our teachers will also assess objectives in keeping with the key components of what universities are looking for, and help students develop necessary skills in terms of idea development, material exploration, sketchbook layout and presentation as well as other aspects through one-to-one tutoring and group work so as to fully prepare for university applications and future learning.

How can an art education benefit you?

‘Learning Art at Harrow Beijing helps me to express my perception to the world in a more dynamic way. It gives me more artistic insights and i think in a more contemporary and creative way. I like art because because it gives me opportunities to not just observe but to respond to what’s around me.’ said by A Level student Arina L.

‘The Art education at Harrow Beijing allows me to understand and learn the techniques necessary to express my ideas through art and overcome complex emotions. A formal art education also gives me the tools necessary to apply to art universities in the future, expanding my options.’  said by GCSE student Natalia A.

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