House Music

The 2023 Upper School House Music event was successfully held recently! As one of the Harrow traditions, House Music competitions have always been eagerly anticipated by both students and teachers. From song selection, choreography, band coordination, stage design, and rehearsal to the final perfect performance, the whole process embodies the incredible efforts of students and staff from each House and demonstrates Harrow Beijing’s core values of  ‘Courage, Honor, Humility and Fellowship’.

Six House had a competition for honor, bringing the audience a visual and auditory feast of world classic pop songs, imaginative stage design, modern and classical dance elements, and beautiful performing arts, which fully demonstrated the educational concept of Harrow Beijing’s multicultural integration.


Churchill, the first to appear, lit up the audience with a song “Winterman”, and the audience was immersed in a joyous festive atmosphere.

Kong Zi

Kong Zi has brought an adapted version of California Dreaming, a perfect combination of modern music and ballet dance.

Ju Ching Chu

The retro and cute song “Candy Cane Lane” by Ju Ching Chu perfectly combined Chinese and Western musical elements.

Song Qing Ling

Song Qing Ling impressed the audience with a high-energy performance of “Shake up Christmas”.

John Lyon

John Lyon brought the familiar song “All I Want for Christmas” and the atmosphere was warm and lively.


Curie took us into the world of ice and snow with a song ‘Let it Go’ to experience the beauty of winter fairy tales.

The winner of 

2023 House Music:


Danielle Byrne

Director of Performing Arts

“House Music is one of my favorite events of the year and singing brings together a community and creates pride in each house.  When you bring together a student led activity, incorporating everyone’s talents from being in a band, choir, soloists, dancers, set designers, lighting designers, prop makers, a certain magic and house spirit happens on stage, making everyone feel close and connected and building a much bigger community. Congratulations to each and every house and House Tutors who worked tirelessly to bring this outstanding event together.”“ 

House music is always the highlight of my twelve years at Harrow Beijing. I have developed from being a singer in the crowd to leading my house to the podium finish as house prefect. Words cannot express how much admiration I have for each and every person in Curie house. The amount of work everyone has put into this event every year never ceases to amaze me, and I cannot express how much gratitude I have for them.

Lucy S, Curie, Year 12”“ 

House music is the most thrilling event to look forward to every year! I’ve been in Harrow for 7 years and I still vividly recall every song we’ve sang, how we – as a house, collaborated together to exceed our limits year by year. As a Music Scholar and performer myself, I understand how much courage it takes for anyone to not only stand in front of their friends and peers; but to complete a performance, is beyond imagination. This year, as one of the leading members in Kong-Zi’s house music, I have  realised how fellowship, with the belief of succession in oneself, can lead to an infinite potential. I am truly grateful for all participants and sincerely acknowledge every individual’s effort!

George S, Kong Zi, Year 12

The British House system has always been one of the characteristics of Harrow Beijing. Harrow Beijing inherits the House system of Harrow London, where every student and staff member has their own House. House system creates a small but close-knit community for students, providing them with support in all aspects. In addition, various activities are carried out in House, including sports, music competitions, friendship competitions, academic competitions, etc., so as to cultivate students’ collective sense of honor, belonging and spirit of benign competition, and harvest sincere friendship in the interaction between classes and year groups.

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