Harrow Beijing Wins British Schools Awards

On 5 November, Harrow Beijing won the ‘Empowering Students’ Award at the British Schools Awards gala dinner organised by the British Chamber of Commerce in China.

The ‘Empowering Students’ Award is in recognition of the school that has championed their student body’s voice by facilitating students’ confidence to share ideas and opinions throughout the school’s community. It is one of the 7 categories of the British Schools Awards which is to celebrate the best of British K12 education in China. Schools associated with a British school brand, adopting the British curriculum or sending high school students to UK universities competed over the past three months, and the winners were announced at the gala dinner of the British Schools Forum last week.

Harrow Beijing offers students a plethora of opportunities to have a voice in the operation of the school. These include student newspapers, student television and a range of extra-curricular activities run by students. Through bodies such as the student council, Eco Council, House Captains, the Shaftesbury Society, the Zhili Society, as well as the Teaching and Learning Subject Ambassadors, students not only have a voice, but feel that their voice is listened to in regard to their academic studies and our wider work with the community. By taking responsibility for sizeable areas of work within the school, they develop the skills to hold meetings, communicate with different stakeholders, produce reports and affect change.

Mr. John Hopkins, Assistant Head of Harrow Beijing, said “We believe developing students is the most important aspect of a school’s work. And we are very proud of our students. We make great efforts to empower them but the truth is we are very fortunate to work with such wonderful young people. Every time we give them an opportunity, they surpass our expectations and go onto to produce work and outcomes that one might barely think possible for people of their age.”

Harrow Beijing is very much informed by the philosophy and traditions of Harrow London. We are however also very much aware of the fact that we are based in Beijing. As Mr. Hopkins further explained, “The future is very exciting. We look to empower our students by increasing their sense of identity with the magnificent city they live in. We firmly believe that a firm basis in one’s own culture and language are essential to going on to become good global citizens.”

Harrow Beijing will continue to deliver high-quality academic experience combined with a broad curriculum covering music, drama, art and sport, as well as excellent pastoral care in the wonderful city of Beijing, China.

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