Concert at Steinway Hall

The Harrow Advanced Performer concert at the Steinway Concert Hall in Beijing was held on 16th of April. We were very proud to present our accomplished musicians, performing great masterpieces by Chopin, Piazzolla, Schumann, Enescu and V. Monti. The evening was particularly special as it was a celebration of Jerry Z’s A-Level Music performance and an opportunity to highlight our talented Harrow Beijing musicians. We would like to congratulate Jerry Z, George S, Sophia L, Linn L and Muqi Y on their outstanding performances at the concert.

Mrs Richards, Music teacher at Harrow Beijing said: ‘Many people mistakenly think to play an instrument at such a high level is just a talent or a gift, and it is easy for talented or gifted musicians to play the piano or any other instrument. But we all know that it is not just about talent… more important is hard work, hours and hours, weeks and weeks, months and months and many years of constant practice and dedication. Musical performance is a great skill, and I hope all our students, even if they don’t choose to become professional musicians, can transfer the many skills and values acquired in musical performance to every aspect of their lives.’

It is our wish to hold this concert annually, and we would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the Steinway Hall for providing us with this wonderful venue and supporting our young musicians.

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