Beijing Central Axis Competition

The Beijing Central Axis application for the World Cultural Heritage Site Project was officially launched in 2011 and now the application has entered the ‘sprint stage’. In order to support the application for Beijing Central Axis to become a World Heritage Site, 26 Harrow Beijing students have participated in the ‘Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’ competition.

Check out this compilation of all the amazing Beijing Central Axis videos that were created by our students!

Over 50,000 teachers and students from more than 200 primary and middle schools in Beijing participated in the selection.

Many of our students have achieved outstanding success in this competition:

Nina Zh, Nick X, Summer Y, Franklin Ch, Aibhlin B, Lorcan B and Shennan Ch won the honorary titles of ‘Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’ and the ‘Harrow Beijing Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’.

Ingrid N, Jessica L, Ella Zh, Iris Zh, Tiana J, Alivia D, Iris I, Ruby I, Teddy I, Marina G, Annie T, Kamar D and Alexander L won the finalists Award of the ‘Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’ selection as well as the title of the ‘Harrow Beijing Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’. 

Dudu W, Zoey L, Alaric M, Zoey L,Alex L and Mizy L have been awarded the title of the ‘Harrow Beijing Young Cultural Ambassador for the Beijing Central Axis’. 

To support the application of the Beijing Central Axis to become a World Heritage Site, Tiana J created a painting named ‘Invigorating the Central Axis’. 

Shennan Ch expressed his love of Chinese culture and his best wishes for the application of the Beijing Central Axis to be included as a World Heritage Site in an English poem. The poem is as follows:

The Stories I See  观之悟

诗/Shennan Ch  译/白志伟

This morning, when I was looking down from a glass and steel tower,  


I notice a beautiful falcon soaring above the centre of the city. 


I wondered what she must see — maybe she and I can see the same. 


When I look around Beijing, I see the centre of history. 


The rafters of the ancient buildings tell me stories of beauty, 


Of flowers and fruits, of birds and insects, of blue water,  


Of misty mountains and green fields. 


The ancient buildings remind me of the importance of pride and heritage. 


When I look down the centre of the city, I also rising from the ancient, the ultra modern. 


Buildings that tell me stories of hope and prosperity. 


Buildings that look forward to shared growth and strength in innovation and collaboration. 


Beauty in glass and steel — rising straight from the green parks  


Growing from the ancient walls — reaching for the sky 


East and west, old and new, national and international — all blending across the central axis 


This morning, I watched a falcon soar above the highest buildings, 


Looking down on this perfect balance — and I realized what she must see. 


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