Annie Musical

After over 6 months of hard work in rehearsals, this year’s Upper School Production of ‘Annie’ was performed last week. The students and Performing Arts staff have been working relentlessly since the beginning of the academic year to produce the musical and what a hit it was!

Annie follows the story of an orphan from New York City who is taken in by a wealthy billionaire businessman Mr Oliver Warbucks. They go on a journey to find Annie’s birth parents, a journey filled with twists and turns.

The talent showcased within the production was outstanding. Year 8 Tiantian X played the role of Annie. Her delicate singing voice stirred the heart as she sung the iconic songs ‘Maybe’ and ‘Tomorrow’. Year 9 Lamont C as Oliver

 Warbucks supported her performance excellently and allowed for a lovely energy between the two on stage. This was counteracted by the wonderfully loud and brash performance from Noor D B who played Miss Hannigan, Annie’s nasty orphanage manager. Each and every performer shone on the stage with a highlight being the iconic ‘Hard Knock Life’ singing and dance scene.

As with all productions, there was not just hard work performed on stage by the cast. They were supported by an equally talented showband. Led by Mr Russell Grant, and consisting of a mixture of students and staff, they pulled out a show-stopping performance. Backstage, a team of students worked relentlessly to perform expertly planned set changes, being supported by an array of staff including Mr Thomas Minns, Ms Sana Shaikh, Ms Leanne Kingston, and Mr Daniel Maloney. Their maneuvering of the fantastic moveable set flats, which were designed and built by students, was well timed and planned.

The marketing for the event was also taken on by a team of students led by Mrs Danielle Byrne who had been planning their advertising campaign and merchandise sales since September. Students and staff have been able to purchase Annie water bottles, necklaces and T-shirts to keep as a memento of the event with all profits going to ‘Bread of Life’ charity.

Overall, the event was a wonderfully collaborative event which brought the whole school community together after nearly 3 years with no large-scale performances. Mrs Shaunna Minns, who directed the show said, ‘Being able to finally perform such a big showcase was a wonderful achievement and a great opportunity for the students. Each and every student and member of staff involved with the production should be immensely proud of what they have achieved.’

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