Pre Prep Sports Day

Last week, Lower School held their Sports Day event, with students from all year groups at Pre Prep level competing for House glory in both individual and team challenges.

The Pre Prep students demonstrated exceptional sporting skills in the competition and were exemplary in demonstrating the spirit of collaboration and teamwork in the House team events. The games also attracted many parents who watched and cheered enthusiastically for the children. The exciting, competitive atmosphere and nature of the event is always a great opportunity for parents to witness the personal development and growth of their children across a range of areas, including in our Core Values of Harrow Beijing: Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship.


2.Fill the Water Pipe


4.Turbo Javelin

5.Team Challenge

Congratulations to the winners!

In sporting competition, Courage helps children to strive for victory in the face of adversity.  Honour encourages all participants to have the highest possible personal standards. Humility allows students to recognize that one’s self is a work in progress and thus to accept failure bravely and confidently where appropriate.  Fellowship is demonstrated both in team events where students build constructive relationships and support each other fully, but also during solo sports where all members of the school community encourage each other to thrive and do well.  Without doubt, sport is filled with examples of leadership but also develops a range of positive life skills and values, which is the reason why Harrow Beijing focuses on cultivating students’ sports skills, offering a huge variety of opportunities to compete and develop.

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