Wider Learning Day

The Wider Learning Day took place at Harrow Beijing for all Upper School students on Wednesday 15th December. Students took the opportunity to participate in a day of enquiry-based learning via various fun activities. Each year groups chose different subjects. Let’s have a look at some of the most interesting projects of the day.

Year 6 students spent the day in the Drama Department finalizing their Roald Dahl ‘The Twits’ performances. After a technical and a dress rehearsal, the students showcased their talent on stage and each class performed their scene from ‘The Twits’ in the afternoon. Bravo!

Year 7 pupils worked in teams to design and build a Wacky Race Car from a given chassis. In the spirit of being Eco-friendly, elastic bands were used as a non-polluting power source. At the end of the day, the buggies that can travel the furthest won the race competition and the best designed car also got rewarded.

There was a lot of Spanish fun for Year 8 students involving painting, dancing and food tasting. By studying Día de los Muertos, a well-known Mexican holiday, students developed an understanding of differing views of life and death in various cultures and developed curiosity for cultures that they may not be very familiar with.

Thanks to the PE Department, Year 9 students had the opportunity to try a variety of Chinese traditional sports and cultural pastimes from Martial Arts and Chinese Acrobatics to Dragon Boat Racing and Jianzi. Although winter has come, the vigor and enthusiasm didn’t fade. Proper physical activities help us improve our health and a bit of competitiveness doesn’t hurt!

Y10 students went on a trip to the National Film Museum for an ultimate movie experience. They went behind the scenes to the history of film in China and learned about how modern media technologies have developed.

Y11 students took part in a one-day event to explore and to experience how a stock market works. In particular, they found out how to invest in stocks and to adjust their investment portfolios in response to some current events and news. The day ended with short lectures, quizzes, and an investment simulation.

Year 12 focused on problem solving and service. They had two TED talks focusing on the Environmental Impact of Clothing and Recycling and on the pharmaceuticals industry. In the afternoon, students developed ideas for the whole school Wider Learning Day in March which will be focused on the theme of Service to commemorate the 450th anniversary of Harrow Schools globally.

Year 13 students took a break from the preparation for Mock Exams and looked after their well-being. They used the time off to improve study skills and consolidate what they have learned this term.

Thanks to all staff who facilitated these events and we’re very much looking forward to the future learning events!

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